Jesus followers committed to living holistically
We corporately voiced the following declaration at our current church community PCC, I felt it was worth sharing with you all. See some parallels?
We are People Changing Communities
We are People...we were born to be image bearers of God, a people belonging to God, who are being authentic about our brokenness and need for
Him. We will strive to honor God by stewarding the body He has given us,
the relationships we have been entrusted with, and the community of PCC that
God has had His hand on for 60 years.
We are People Changing...we will no longer be conformed by the pattern
of the world but transformed by renewing our minds, following the Holy
Spirit and the living the Word of God. Stagnation is not an
option for us; we vow to grow into maturity by reflecting His character and
living into our calling.
We are People Changing Communities...Since God so loved the world that
He gave, we too will embrace the heart of Jesus by giving and receiving
grace, practicing healthy relationships, and acting socially
responsibly. We will share the Gospel of Jesus Christ, hoping and
praying that as many as possible believe and follow Him.
We are PCC. We will love this church with the same love Christ has
for His church. We will sacrificially serve, pray for and invest through
PCC so that His church will manifest the fullest and most accurate picture of
Jesus the Peninsula has ever seen.
We endeavor to do all this with humility, in the power of the Holy Spirit
for the Glory of God. Amen
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