Society of Intentional Lives

Jesus followers committed to living holistically

I found the theme again this morning in Isaiah 2:3 "And many peoples will come and say, "Come, let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, to the house of the God of Jacob; That He may teach us concerning His ways, and that we may walk in His paths."

Years ago I memorized Ps. 86:11 after hearing a devotional by Gary Casady - "Teach me thy way, O Lord, I will walk in Thy truth; Give me an undivided heart that I may fear your name."  That has become a constant prayer of my heart.

It is a simple two step. Jesus leading and us in his embrace. Us being led by his gentle movement. One step - teach me your ways, two step - I will walk in your truth.

It takes a learner's heart - hearts and attitudes bent towards Jesus - hungry - "Lord teach me!" and then we learn the truths - The Way that Jesus has marked out for us. His path.  It is clearly laid out for us. We don't have to divert. 

We were recently in Kenya and once again I enjoyed looking on the hills and valleys of the beautiful landscape. Most Kenyans use their own two feet for their daily travel. I am always struck by the well worn paths everywhere. Across a grassy field there is one path of red worn soil, through a plantation, there is one path of red worn soil. They don't divert, relying on the well known and reliable path.

Jesus calls us, "Come to me. Follow me. Walk!"  Jesus said, "I am the way."  His Truths, His well worn path, marked by his blood, has left a distinctively red trail for us to follow. He promises us fruitfulness, to be fishers of men, so that we can truly fulfill the prophecy of Isaiah 2 and see many people following us up to the mountain. Mount Zion, Jesus himself.  He also promises that it is a road marked with suffering. "Take up your cross daily and follow me", he says. But it leads to true life, true joy.

Come on, let's go. One step, two steps....

I invite you to share how you are learning the way. What new things is Jesus teaching you?  How are your walking the path? Where is Jesus leading you?

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Comment by John Becker on March 1, 2013 at 11:19am

Hi Gary. Thanks for the comment and further illustration. Wonderful. Do you remember when you shared Psalm 86 with us at the first TIMO Leader's Forum outside of Arusha?  You and Linda had just completed a fast and had meditated on this. Good stuff.

What's up for Thailand in April? I need to read your latest update that came out a week or so ago.  Getting caught up after FARM.

Your brother,


Comment by Gary Casady on March 1, 2013 at 11:12am

Thanks John!!!  The picture reminds me of a scene when we were on survey in Mozambique. There were well worn paths, paths which avoided the hundreds of thousands of land mines which had been scattered all over the land.  To get off of the path was very likely to result in maiming or death.  The same is true in our spiritual lives.  Satan tempted our Lord, was defeated as our Lord walked in submission to the Father and used truth to ward off the darts of the Evil one, but Satan left only to look for the next opportune time.  Straying, gives him those opportunities.  We so very much need to walk these paths in community.  I have just picked up an older book, The Master Plan of Evangelism, by Robert Coleman, it is such a simple yet profound little book on how our Lord trained his disciples to do the one step, two step unto death. 

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Oct 24, 2023
John Becker commented on Gary Casady's blog post engaging
"Thank you Gary. Fun to revisit this dusty site! I am still committed to the SOIL manifesto. So much water under the bridge this past year and a half."
Sep 23, 2021
Nate Flynn left a comment for Nate Flynn
"Thanks John!"
Jan 26, 2021
Gary Casady posted a blog post


I have been journeying with John in his engagement in fulfilling the SOIL commitment. This led me to look back at the site and notice that it has been inactive for quite some time. I assume we have all been engaged in the current calling God has placed before each one of us. For the past four years Linda and I have been engaged in starting a shelter for runaway/homeless youth in crisis: a couple of forays to Kenya and…See More
Feb 15, 2020
John Becker commented on Craig Miceli's blog post Song: End of my journey
"Craig. Thanks for this incredible song. What truth and challenge I found in it.  I will not be at Street Church tonight so please say hello to our new friends.  Thanks again for this post.  John"
Oct 25, 2012
Maureen Becker updated their profile
Oct 15, 2012
Craig Miceli posted a blog post

Song: End of my journey this song, gives the example of what the cross and message of Christs life. Total surrender to ego, to be resurected to live in and from spirit. Following and surrendering to Christ.To be who we are and what we have come at this time in life to do on the earth. Only through the holy spirit can that be revealed.See More
Sep 15, 2012
Craig Miceli commented on Craig Miceli's blog post "Judgement is not an attribute of God" ?
"Hi John, thank you for the encouraging verse's. They were very powerful and very enlightening! I read that from a book called " A course in miracles". Thank you again for all the spiritual lifting you have brought to my…"
Sep 14, 2012
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Sep 13, 2012
Craig Miceli posted a status
"Hi John, had great time seeing you last night! Again thank for the invite to SOIL, hope I can share some positive energy with the site!"
Sep 13, 2012
Sarah Richardson commented on Dave Dowding's blog post Holiness as loving your neighbour
"Holiness often isn't thought of in that way these days but that is so true. In what ways am I living a life that is different from the general way of the world, a life that is separated from the 'normal' way of living?"
Sep 11, 2012
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Sep 10, 2012
John Becker left a comment for Dave Dowding
"Good to see you on SOIL brother.  I am excited about the possibilities. Shoot me an update on your life. Your brother, John"
Sep 10, 2012
Sarah Richardson left a comment for Dave Dowding
"Hi Dave it's good to see you on here. Look forwards to the conversation."
Sep 10, 2012
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Sep 10, 2012
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Sep 10, 2012

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