Society of Intentional Lives

Jesus followers committed to living holistically

"Zadok the priest took the horn of oil from the tabernacle and anointed Solomon. Then they blew the ram's horn, and all the people proclaimed, "Long live King Solomon!"
All the people followed him, playing flutes and rejoicing with such a great joy that the earth split open from the sound." 1 Kings 1:39-40

  I try to imagine the jubilation that was so pronounced that the earth shook and split open.  Joy and celebration flowing from a nation who rejoiced in their new leader, King Solomon.  There was opposition and a vying for the Kingdom, but wise and decisive leadership put an end to the self-propagating threat of Adonijah. Solomon was to be King. There was no contest in the hearts of the people.

  What a contrast to the political chaos of our nation today. No obvious leader. No united jubilation. Instead, a sense of fear, dread and compromise.

  Whether it political, race, sexual orientation or gender, the social status of our nation lies in confusion. This kind of dissonance looks for a stress numbing medication. Blue-faced zombies wonder the streets, parks and public places chasing after digital Pokémons, with stretched out arms as they gaze into their smartphones. Its as if the masses had nothing better to do with their time.

  That's hardly the case. More than ever is a need to get on our knees and pray. To re-discover biblical truth and re-calibrate our moral compass. To take to activism to rise the tide of God fearing leadership in our nation.

  My fear is that otherwise the earth will indeed split open, but not on account of a spirit of joy but to swallow up America for judgement!

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Comment by John Becker on July 30, 2016 at 11:17am
Thanks for the encouragement Nate. We need to be vigilant in everyway.
Comment by Nate Flynn on July 30, 2016 at 10:48am
John yes I'm so excited about our near future and yet your post encourages me to get on my knees and pray in posture of my heart ; its a great insight to point out the fear of our nation with regards to having no God and therefore no moral compass !! Let's also pray for revival as we look for the soon returning of our King!
Comment by John Becker on July 26, 2016 at 3:31pm

Thank you Gary, for your thoughtful response. My journal entry from the 1 Kings reading was "the earth split open."  May it be so true when Jesus returns as it was in the day Solomon was anointed king!"

Yes, the victory is His and as we wait let's be all the more diligent to seek and save that which is lost.

I hope to see you soon as we journey up your way in the near future. We will be in touch.

Comment by Gary Casady on July 26, 2016 at 3:20pm


I am always so very encouraged by your posts.  I recently read through The Revelation of Jesus Christ in one sitting and was so blessed, I did it again in The Message.  If you have the chance, I highly recommend this.  Jesus wins no matter what and the arrogant who shake their fists or just say "ho hum" are of no consequence.  It does indeed move us to our knees with both passion for the lost - not yet believers and powerful hope that we are one with the King who shall reign.  He is in control.  Blessings.

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Oct 24, 2023
John Becker commented on Gary Casady's blog post engaging
"Thank you Gary. Fun to revisit this dusty site! I am still committed to the SOIL manifesto. So much water under the bridge this past year and a half."
Sep 23, 2021
Nate Flynn left a comment for Nate Flynn
"Thanks John!"
Jan 26, 2021
Gary Casady posted a blog post


I have been journeying with John in his engagement in fulfilling the SOIL commitment. This led me to look back at the site and notice that it has been inactive for quite some time. I assume we have all been engaged in the current calling God has placed before each one of us. For the past four years Linda and I have been engaged in starting a shelter for runaway/homeless youth in crisis: a couple of forays to Kenya and…See More
Feb 15, 2020
John Becker commented on Craig Miceli's blog post Song: End of my journey
"Craig. Thanks for this incredible song. What truth and challenge I found in it.  I will not be at Street Church tonight so please say hello to our new friends.  Thanks again for this post.  John"
Oct 25, 2012
Maureen Becker updated their profile
Oct 15, 2012
Craig Miceli posted a blog post

Song: End of my journey this song, gives the example of what the cross and message of Christs life. Total surrender to ego, to be resurected to live in and from spirit. Following and surrendering to Christ.To be who we are and what we have come at this time in life to do on the earth. Only through the holy spirit can that be revealed.See More
Sep 15, 2012
Craig Miceli commented on Craig Miceli's blog post "Judgement is not an attribute of God" ?
"Hi John, thank you for the encouraging verse's. They were very powerful and very enlightening! I read that from a book called " A course in miracles". Thank you again for all the spiritual lifting you have brought to my…"
Sep 14, 2012
Craig Miceli posted a photo
Sep 13, 2012
Craig Miceli posted a status
"Hi John, had great time seeing you last night! Again thank for the invite to SOIL, hope I can share some positive energy with the site!"
Sep 13, 2012
Sarah Richardson commented on Dave Dowding's blog post Holiness as loving your neighbour
"Holiness often isn't thought of in that way these days but that is so true. In what ways am I living a life that is different from the general way of the world, a life that is separated from the 'normal' way of living?"
Sep 11, 2012
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Sep 10, 2012
John Becker left a comment for Dave Dowding
"Good to see you on SOIL brother.  I am excited about the possibilities. Shoot me an update on your life. Your brother, John"
Sep 10, 2012
Sarah Richardson left a comment for Dave Dowding
"Hi Dave it's good to see you on here. Look forwards to the conversation."
Sep 10, 2012
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Sep 10, 2012
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Sep 10, 2012

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