Society of Intentional Lives

Jesus followers committed to living holistically



I was talking with a coworker about Jesus. Stop right there. It was so simple to just talk about Jesus. Not easy, but simple. I find it easier to get bogged down in philosophical or religious discussion, instead of what really is the crux: Jesus. And Gino Geraci is fond of saying, "If  you're wrong about Jesus, it doesn't matter what you're right about." There's a powerful truth and principle there for our apologetics and relationships. Again, many times I attempt to discuss my faith and I do not mention Jesus until further into the conversation. Now that's not wrong on all occasions, but there's something raw about bringing the Name of Jesus into the conversation early, even if that makes the conversation very short.


My coworker had approached me about an offensive situation regarding politics (apparently, as she later confessed, she had labeled me as a Republican and was offended by something I said). Somehow I blurted it out very early in the conversation: "God has a crazy love for you, and that's why He sent His Son Jesus to the cross!"  Wow, was that relevant? Well, yes, because Jesus is always relevant. Was there poise and tact in my words? I don't fully know. But I do know that if I don't get that message across to this person, she'll never have a chance to repent and receive that awesome gift from God of eternal life in Heaven.

She replied, "Well, I believe Jesus was a raging liberal at heart!"

I said, "What do you mean?"

"He was very supportive of all disenfranchised groups, like women, for example."

I repeated the word, slowly: "dis-en-fran-chised." It means :  to deprive of a franchise, of a legal right, or of some privilege or immunity; especially :  to deprive of the right to vote.

I visualized Jesus walking around with His long flowing hair, beard, sandals, and a tightly fitting shirt that says,

"Free Women."

Studying who Jesus was and why He came to earth is paramount to understanding the Gospel. Otherwise, we could be very lost. For instance, what does it mean for Jesus to treat women the way He did? Or men, for that matter? What does it mean when He let Mary wash and dry His feet with her hair? What does it mean that Jesus picked 12 disciples, mostly fishermen? And that he dined with prostitutes and tax collectors? What does it mean that Jesus chose to heal sometimes and not other times? What does it mean that He said, "If you love me, you'll keep my commandments?"

In the next blog, we'll unpack some of these questions.

John and Gary, lets have a conversation about some of these questions!

Thanks and love,





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Stella Abudheir is now a member of Society of Intentional Lives
Oct 24, 2023
John Becker commented on Gary Casady's blog post engaging
"Thank you Gary. Fun to revisit this dusty site! I am still committed to the SOIL manifesto. So much water under the bridge this past year and a half."
Sep 23, 2021
Nate Flynn left a comment for Nate Flynn
"Thanks John!"
Jan 26, 2021
Gary Casady posted a blog post


I have been journeying with John in his engagement in fulfilling the SOIL commitment. This led me to look back at the site and notice that it has been inactive for quite some time. I assume we have all been engaged in the current calling God has placed before each one of us. For the past four years Linda and I have been engaged in starting a shelter for runaway/homeless youth in crisis: a couple of forays to Kenya and…See More
Feb 15, 2020
John Becker commented on Craig Miceli's blog post Song: End of my journey
"Craig. Thanks for this incredible song. What truth and challenge I found in it.  I will not be at Street Church tonight so please say hello to our new friends.  Thanks again for this post.  John"
Oct 25, 2012
Maureen Becker updated their profile
Oct 15, 2012
Craig Miceli posted a blog post

Song: End of my journey this song, gives the example of what the cross and message of Christs life. Total surrender to ego, to be resurected to live in and from spirit. Following and surrendering to Christ.To be who we are and what we have come at this time in life to do on the earth. Only through the holy spirit can that be revealed.See More
Sep 15, 2012
Craig Miceli commented on Craig Miceli's blog post "Judgement is not an attribute of God" ?
"Hi John, thank you for the encouraging verse's. They were very powerful and very enlightening! I read that from a book called " A course in miracles". Thank you again for all the spiritual lifting you have brought to my…"
Sep 14, 2012
Craig Miceli posted a photo
Sep 13, 2012
Craig Miceli posted a status
"Hi John, had great time seeing you last night! Again thank for the invite to SOIL, hope I can share some positive energy with the site!"
Sep 13, 2012
Sarah Richardson commented on Dave Dowding's blog post Holiness as loving your neighbour
"Holiness often isn't thought of in that way these days but that is so true. In what ways am I living a life that is different from the general way of the world, a life that is separated from the 'normal' way of living?"
Sep 11, 2012
John Becker posted photos
Sep 10, 2012
John Becker left a comment for Dave Dowding
"Good to see you on SOIL brother.  I am excited about the possibilities. Shoot me an update on your life. Your brother, John"
Sep 10, 2012
Sarah Richardson left a comment for Dave Dowding
"Hi Dave it's good to see you on here. Look forwards to the conversation."
Sep 10, 2012
Dave Dowding is now a member of Society of Intentional Lives
Sep 10, 2012
Andy and Hannah Forrest shared John Becker's blog post on Twitter
Sep 10, 2012

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