Society of Intentional Lives

Jesus followers committed to living holistically

Faith, Interfaith, Advocacy and the New Year

Hi SOIL. It has been a long time since I have posted an article. Mostly because 2014 was insanely full. It was a highly productive year, and also a very costly year for many reasons.  I am sure you are like me and take time to reflect on the passing year as you face a new one. This is a holy and helpful exorcize because it is humbling and sobering and also gives room for hopefulness in the promise of a new year. Through my own reflection God has led me to do a fresh study of James. I once had this letter to the 12 tribes scattered abroad memorized. I am seeking to do this again because it is full of practical wisdom and spiritual activism. It begins with an encouragement to suffering people and an admonishment to seek wisdom from our good God who gives to all generously and without reproach.  This is what I have been doing at the beginning of this new year - seeking wisdom to make the most of every opportunity but also in choosing which opportunities to pursue. The good news for me is God is already answering. I recommend it!

As I close this little word to all of you, I encourage you to read two worthwhile articles that provoke thought and Godly activism in a increasingly divided world so in need of peacemakers and ambassadors of the Prince of Peace.

Enjoy this powerful quote from Leslie Newbigin.  In his essay, "The Basis, Purpose and Manner of Interfaith Dialogue" (1977)   Newbigin offers a powerful metaphor of dialogue as occurring at the bottom of a stairway rather than at the top. Grace runs downhill, he argues, and the Christian meets his religious neighbor not at the height of his or her moral or theological achievements but at the bottom of the stairway, at the foot of the cross.  The Christian is fundamentally a witness, not a judge or lawyer, who proclaims a testimony to having been changed by the grace of God.  The Christian gospel always has a word of "yes" and "no" to every culture and every person.  Consequently, in interfaith encounters the Christian must be prepared to hear a word of judgment on his life and apprehension of the Christian gospel.  This creates an opportunity for repentance amidst dialogue, which is a vital witness to all those present."

Enjoy these two helpful articles below:

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Comment by Gary Casady on January 21, 2015 at 11:10am

John and Nate,  Thanks for you comments.  I did enjoy the Newbigin article...haven't tackled Bono yet ;-)  John, I was speaking of the Holcombs and Cooks.  Yes, it would be wonderful to catch up.  Have you read Nancy Pearcey's "Total Truth"?  Greetings to all with you.

Comment by John Becker on January 20, 2015 at 8:53pm

Thanks Gary. JD Payne has become a friend. We actually were on a panel together at the Open Conference in Atlanta in September. We were fielding questions about reaching the unreached in the diaspora. We definitely share one heart regarding the mission field being all around us.  Would love to know who you are referencing regarding the local ministry. I think I might know who you are speaking about. 

I love the prophetic voice that Schaeffer had and continues to have regarding authentic faith. The latest terminology speaks of this as "obedience based discipleship" with the main premise that we actually obey what we read in the word of God and share it with others as a habit. 

Love to Linda. Let's catch up soon. John

Comment by Nate Flynn on January 20, 2015 at 3:02pm

Hi Gary! Thanks for your reference to Francis Schaeffer. I have for many years used his principle of "circle theology" (can't remember exactly what he called it?) in my walk and in my apologetics. But I appreciate greatly your reminder that we can so easily miss opportunities to truly follow hard after Jesus, and I don't want to miss this one!!

Comment by Gary Casady on January 19, 2015 at 7:07pm

Hi John,

I so much appreciate you brother.  I liked your use of the word "exorcize".  I am sure you have read some of JD Payne's stuff.  He spoke at the Mission ConneXion, passionately reminding us of the people groups all around us here in the US.  We have some good friends who you probably know working fervently and effectively near us.  I asked them how many groups they had contact with.  They answered over 60.  It was like a new Francis Schaeffer call:  How Should We Then Live.  I think we Western Christians missed it when he called us in the 70's to live authentically.  Will we miss it again? 

Comment by John Becker on January 11, 2015 at 2:40pm

Thank you Nate. I am glad that at least one person has read this. Thanks for the exhortation. Yes, time to move on forward and upward.  Let's talk soon.  Your brother,  John

Comment by Nate Flynn on January 11, 2015 at 12:13pm

Hi John,

Thanks for this first new post of the new year. Indeed, it is fitting to say that the new year is a chance to take advantage of God's empowering Grace. I was listening to Chuck Swindoll last night, and he reminded me of Paul's exhortation to us in Philipians 3:12-13, to forget what is behind, strive toward what is to come, in Christ Jesus. I hope and pray in Him that we would all take this to heart for 2015. As Swindoll was saying, let's close the chapter in our lives that was 2014 with it's successes and failures, and move in to the new year with great anticipation of what God will do for us, in us, and through us, as we yield to the Holy Spirit.


The "I" in SOIL stands for intentional, and without closing one chapter of our lives, we cannot be intentional as we move forward into the new one.

May God bless all of us as we humbly accept His G.R.A.C.E.: God's Riches At Christ's Expense.

Pressing On,



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"Thank you Gary. Fun to revisit this dusty site! I am still committed to the SOIL manifesto. So much water under the bridge this past year and a half."
Sep 23, 2021
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I have been journeying with John in his engagement in fulfilling the SOIL commitment. This led me to look back at the site and notice that it has been inactive for quite some time. I assume we have all been engaged in the current calling God has placed before each one of us. For the past four years Linda and I have been engaged in starting a shelter for runaway/homeless youth in crisis: a couple of forays to Kenya and…See More
Feb 15, 2020
John Becker commented on Craig Miceli's blog post Song: End of my journey
"Craig. Thanks for this incredible song. What truth and challenge I found in it.  I will not be at Street Church tonight so please say hello to our new friends.  Thanks again for this post.  John"
Oct 25, 2012
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Song: End of my journey this song, gives the example of what the cross and message of Christs life. Total surrender to ego, to be resurected to live in and from spirit. Following and surrendering to Christ.To be who we are and what we have come at this time in life to do on the earth. Only through the holy spirit can that be revealed.See More
Sep 15, 2012
Craig Miceli commented on Craig Miceli's blog post "Judgement is not an attribute of God" ?
"Hi John, thank you for the encouraging verse's. They were very powerful and very enlightening! I read that from a book called " A course in miracles". Thank you again for all the spiritual lifting you have brought to my…"
Sep 14, 2012
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"Hi John, had great time seeing you last night! Again thank for the invite to SOIL, hope I can share some positive energy with the site!"
Sep 13, 2012
Sarah Richardson commented on Dave Dowding's blog post Holiness as loving your neighbour
"Holiness often isn't thought of in that way these days but that is so true. In what ways am I living a life that is different from the general way of the world, a life that is separated from the 'normal' way of living?"
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"Good to see you on SOIL brother.  I am excited about the possibilities. Shoot me an update on your life. Your brother, John"
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