Jesus followers committed to living holistically
I recently heard a message about treasuring Jesus. The speaker quoted a prayer by David Brainard, "Lord help me make an impact upon my world that is disproportionate to who I am." The apostle Paul called himself the least and yet he did the most. Both of these men really treasured Jesus. "For me to live is Christ" is the core value Paul embraced.
I have been baffled lately by the number of people who claim the name of Christ, who have just walked away from their marriage, walked unashamed right into sin as if Jesus were not alive, as if God didn't know what was going on. All of us are totally capable of doing any gross sin at any time. Sins of the heart are exceedingly sinful even though no one sees them. They may feel them. So, what protects us? One thing for sure is to actively treasure Jesus. Another is living in community where we are encouraged to love and live as children of the living God. When I am not I give you permission to tell me I am off the path, and we weep together and go back in grace.
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